Calming Osteoarthritis in Cats with Harpagophytum: Good or Bad Idea?

Harpagophytum is a wild plant often used, both in humans and animals, in herbal medicine to soothe joint pain and...
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How to relieve a dog's pain naturally?

Voir son animal de compagnie souffrir n’est pas chose agréable ni facile à gérer… La douleur chez les chiens pouvant...
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How to treat a horse with emphysema?

Emphysema, a common respiratory condition in horses, requires a delicate and attentive approach to ensure the...
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Is cat dermatitis contagious?

A common skin condition in cats, dermatitis is not a contagious disease and is not fatal for the animal, but it can...
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How to treat a cat with eczema?

Cat eczema is a common skin condition that manifests itself as irritation of the skin often accompanied by intense...
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Comment savoir si votre chien a des vers ?

Pour savoir si votre chien a des vers, rien de plus simple que de l’observer. De nombreux symptômes peuvent en effet...
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How do I know if my cat is diabetic?

Si le diabète est une maladie qui touche majoritairement les humains, sachez qu’il n’est pas impossible que nos amis...
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